- Início
- Doença renal:
- Suplementos:
- Sistema digestivo
- Política alimentar:
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- Alimentação Sénior
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- Imagens para reflexão:
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- Gravidez
- Interacções de medicamentos com alimentos:
- Controlar o colesterol:
- Alimentação pediátrica
- Diabetes
- Neoplasias
- Doenças cardiovasculares
- Nutrição entérica e parentérica
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- Pratos vegetarianos (referências):
- Faça escolhas saudáveis
- O jejum
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- Are you a nutrition genius?
- Insuficiência renal
- Avaliação do estado nutricional
- Intolerâncias e alergias alimentares
- Síndrome metabólico
- Condimentos :
- Contactos / marcação da consulta de nutrição:
Perguntas e respostas
Perguntas e respostasThe Foods with the Highest Aspirin Content
If Fructose Is Bad, What About Fruit?
What’s the “Natural” Human Diet?
Index glycémique, charge glycémique : comment optimiser son poids et son bien-être
Quels sont les rôles de l’équilibre acido-basique sur la santé ?
Which foods may protect against depression?
Your Blood Pressure Be According To Your Age
What to do when blood test results not quite “normal”
Increasingly, people are aware of the dangers of “too much sugar” in the diet.
next time you feel nauseous, inhale deeply through your nose to the count of three
Flavorful, Reduced Sodium Meals
Alkaline Diet: Does pH Affect Health and Wellness?
“Carotenoids in food and health”
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Food: The Challenges of Understanding Food Choices
Do Fruit & Nut Bars Cause Weight Gain?
Laissez-vous séduire par les algues !
Are Nitrates Pollutants or Nutrients?
Is Monsanto’s Roundup Pesticide Glyphosate Safe?
Are GMOs Safe? The Case of Roundup Ready Soy
Are GMOs Safe? The Case of Bt Corn
Are the Benefits of Organic Food Underrated or Overrated?
How to Make Your Own Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Are Organic Foods More Nutritious?
How to Protect Our Telomeres with Diet
Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide range of diseases
Can your coffee habit help you live longer?
Controlling your weight is key to lowering stroke risk
Can your coffee habit help you live longer?
Emergency Department Visits for Adverse Events Related to Dietary Supplements
Why dietary supplements are suspect
What are the Healthiest Foods?
increasing boron intake by consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and pulses
Avoiding Adult Exposure to Phthalates
How to Prevent High Blood Pressure with Diet
Lead Contamination in Bone Broth
What about the link between food additives and cancer?
Peppers and Parkinson’s: The Benefits of Smoking Without the Risks?
O que fazemos na consulta de Nutrição ?
Who Says Eggs Aren't Healthy or Safe?
Should Vegan Women Supplement with DHA During Pregnancy?
Is Milk Actually Good for Our Bones?
Is White Rice Responsible for the Diabetes Spike in China?
Nouvelles résolutions : le bon moment pour les 10 conseils de bon-sens ?
60 millions de consommateurs : Les aliments sans-gluten mauvais pour la santé ?
Cow’s milk may stimulate prostate cancer growth, but what about almond milk?